KAKKOii TACK TACK Health Watch

  • Kód produktu: PRD35530
  • Všechny Odměna z: Kakkoii

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KAKKOii TACK TACK Health Watch

TACK TACK by KAKKOii is designed to keep you active. Not only has it got a built-in step count but it will also record calories burned each day and measure distance travelled, alerting you once you have reached your daily goal. TACK TACK can even monitor your sleep cycle, analyse the quality of your sleep and it has an alarm and an incoming call notification feature.

  • Colors: Teal, Blue, Black, Pink, Gray

KAKKOii TACK TACK Health Watch

TACK TACK by KAKKOii is designed to keep you active. Not only has it got a built-in step count but it will also record calories burned each day and measure distance travelled, alerting you once you have reached your daily goal. TACK TACK can even monitor your sleep cycle, analyse the quality of your sleep and it has an alarm and an incoming call notification feature.

  • Colors: Teal, Blue, Black, Pink, Gray